Friday 20 September 2019

Needs to read........


Cooking neither has been a discovery nor has it been an invention. It has been an evolution and food has changed with times and societies. It is one of the basic requirements of survival for humans. Cookery is defined as a chemical process, the mixing of ingredients, application and withdrawal of heat, decision making, technical knowledge and manipulative skill. Inshort, it is an art and technology. It covers the process of preparation of cooking. It follows a flow pattern which commences with the purchasing and selection of materials, their handling, processing and the ultimate presentation of the dishes to the customer.
                The art of cooking is ancient. The first cook was a primitive man, who followed by the invention of fire. He discovered that the meat heated in this way was not only tasty but it was also much easier to masticate and easy to digest also. This age is called as pre-historic age. Later on, with the invention of transport system and development of agriculture, the concept of cooking changed. The raw materials cultivated and collected from the forest and field, were transported one place to another and hence , consumed fresh. Then later on, with the invention of spices further increased the concept of cooking, because the taste of people changed slowly. The concept of exchanging thoughts and ideas among various cooks gave birth to a new age cookery.  The introduction of mughlai dishes, shahi food items, traditionally preparation started. Mughal emperor, gave various ideas about cooking which now a-days it also followed.
                After the colonies were built and the civilization set in, societal structure started developing based on the type of work being done by different people. The advent of British era gave a new turning point to the Indian cookery. During this period the number of food experts visited India from Britain and the other part of world. People learnt the concept of International cookery by exchanging their views and ideas. The concept and contribution of scientific development like-  microwave oven, refrigerator, griller, salamander etc. helps the cook to change the style of preparation according to the demand of customers. The concept of fast food or ready to eat meal packet arises from here around the world.
                The development of several hotels and restaurants in the field of tourism also has increased the chances of selling the business of food. It shows that the concept of cooking will find its new way to develop further and the new avenues will keep opening for the society. Thus, we see how food has evolved from centuries, and we don’t know really where the future is going to lead us to.

Levels of skills and experiences

To understand a professional kitchen, we must have different skills and experiences, as –
1 The knowledge of basic things – In the hotel industry, the first skill based on knowledge, knowledge about the product, cooking, and organizational profit. Identification of food items recognizing their qualities, ways of receiving items, storing them, washing and preparing. A new comer should imply all such basic skills in the kitchen at the time of cooking on daily basis. It is expected that from the catering institute only such knowledge and skills should be imparted amongst the student for achieving the success in the industry.
He/She must have the knowledge about  the Product-Process-Profit-People .
2. The knowledge of implementing basic control over the kitchen activities – It is expected to the new staff that they should know and implement the basic knowledge related to the control system. Such knowledge includes the sense of responsibility of their work and duties, punctuality, honesty etc. If a staff unable to perform their duties in a sincere manner the management can take a step against him.
3. The sensibility of co-operation among the staff-  Its also a  type of skill which doesn’t require any training. We should remember always that for better output we have to work together.
4. The sense of understanding the need of others – A good staff will always be justified by comprehensing the need of others. At a times, it is observed that many staff report to the duty beyond the scheduled time. It is also noticed that when the staffs are not coordinating well than it is advisable for the supervisor to apply an analytical approach in order to understand the problem rather then giving punishment. A comprehensive decision should be always taken out of a good faith so that kitchen activities don’t get hampered. Such skills of interacting with the sub-ordinates should be very much  effective.
5. A sense of recognising the quality of good things – It is true that when a senior staff fail to recognize the good quality of raw materials at the time of receiving from the suppliers, then the supplier will be ready to make fool the staff members. The newly joined staff should have the skill and knowledge  in the field of recognizing the good quality of raw materials.
                Product, process, profit  and people move one by one. A food service provider should be able to offer the most enjoyable dining experiences to the customers. In which a chef behind the scene contributes greatly to the financial viability of the business. Customer satisfaction is main  for further growth and development of an organisation. It happens only when a good quality of raw-materials/ product is taken so that it can give a better taste, eye appeal, flavour, hygiene and presentation. Standardization is one of the biggest challenge for our hotel industry. The first 3P-process, product and profit,  can’t happen unless there is a human touch involved to give final touch to the product.

Attitude and behaviour in the kitchen – Kitchen is quite a dangerous place to work in. In many areas, accidents can occur. If the basic rules of the kitchen are not known to the staff or not followed by the staff. The three main causes of accidents in the kitchen are – distraction, haste and  failure to observe safety rules and regulation.
Distraction in kitchen is usually caused by the personnel working in kitchen. It occurs when a staff is working with the knives or electrical machines and busy in talking or in some other work then in this case it prove dangerous to him.
Haste, happens when our kitchen is not set. Therefore it is important to set up the work station in a way that everything is within reach. All the mise should be in place. The golden rule of kitchen is – not to run , no matter how urgent the task is…
Failure to observe rules and regulation – In a busy operational kitchen, sophisticated machineries are provided to perform jobs effectively and all the machines come with safety and handling manuals. Any deviation could result in fatal accidents. So, we have to work carefully in the kitchen.

                Apart from that, the staff members should have better coordination among each other.
#   Food Safety and Kitchen Hygiene - Hygiene is the science that deals with sanitation and disinfection. Food safety and kitchen hygiene related to the cleanliness of the kitchen. Food that is produced in the kitchen has to be safe and hygienic so that when a guest eats should not give any complain to the chef. Good food is that is free of  contaminants and will not cause any harm. Hygiene is more than cleanliness. It involves all measures necessary to ensure the safety and wholesome of food during manufacture,distribution,transportation, receiving, storage,issuing,processing,preparation and handling,sales and service.
Contamination of food is a major hazard that entails the occurence of any objectionable matter in or on the food. There are three types of contamination named as -
1. Physical contamination
2. Chemical contamination
3.Microbiological contamination

1. Physical contamination - The unwanted harmful substance found in the food is called as Physical contamination. The list of foreign bodies are- dust,dirt,stones,insect bodies,glass, plastic pieces,wood dust,hairs,nails etc. This type of contamination can easily be brought under control if we will careful to our work. Wash the food products, equipments and clean the areas always before starting our work.Food should always be covered with the pan before serving. Keep the area clean always.

2. Chemical contamination - This contamination takes place in the food items in the form of excessively used of fertilizers,pesticieds,insecticides,veterinary drugs, etc.
It comes through excessive addition of preservatives in foods such as jam,chicken sausages salamis etc.
Chemical food poisoning can cause long term illness and severe disease as cancer,skin disease etc.

3. Microbiological contamination - This contamination takes place due to the presence and multiplication of food poisoning bacteria. Bacteria are single celled organism found everywhere in air,soil,water. While most of the bacteria found in nature are harmless to humans, a few are harmful and causes damage to mankind.
Food poisoning bacteria may be brought into the food from different sources as - at the time of food handling, serving to the guest.
It comes through insects,rodents,animals,birds,and from the environment as soil,air,water.
It generally comes under the raw food products as meat,poultry,eggs,fish,milk,water etc. through sewage,irrigation or from surroundings.
                Microbiological contamination takes place by three different methods ,as -
Direct,Drip and Indirect contamination. We should always try to eradicate it.

 # Safety procedure in handling equipments : In kitchen area, there are many safety instructions which we need to follow to prevent accident. Safety is utmost important for ourselves. It is required at every point while performing our work.  A responsible chefs always check the safety measures at their work place.  The following points should be adopted for the purpose of safety procedure in handling different equipments. These are as follows :-

1) Checking the entire kitchen after entering into and before the work started - The kitchen staff should check each and every items in kitchen as ranges are working proper or not, machines are in good condition or not , if not then than tell to head chef and then its the chefs responsibility to contact with the maintenance department and asked him to rectify the problem. And on the contrary, it becomes the duty of maintenance dept. to keep the things in proper working condition.

2) Proper knowledge of handling equipment :- All the staff of kitchen dept. must have the ideas about the equipments handling, how to use. if not then check the instructions written over the electrical equipments and follow the instructions in a proper manner. The electrical machines should be dis-connected after every use. Dont touch the electric with the wet hands. Check the gas knobe after every use. Here the responsibility of senior staff to organize the various training on small scale to give some knowledge for the safety purpose as fire fighting training,safety and security etc.
                Apart from that , handle the knives also carefully. Never leave the knive in a sink of water it can cut your hand. Always clean and wipe the knives after every use.
- Hold the knife always away from the body. When carrying a knife ensure that blade faces downward to avoid injury to self or to others.
- Dont hide your knife under anything, it can harm you.
- While using knife, keep our mind and eye on job.
- Do not attempt to catch a falling knife, let it fall.
- Do not play with the knife.
- Always keep your knives sharp. So, these are some basic rules which we should follow while handling.

3)The habbit of keeping the inflammable  things away from fire - Inflammable things like oil, fat, paper bags,plastic containers,spirit etc. should be kept apart in reach of fire. So, that we can work safetly. But still, some mishappening can take place in the kitchen. So, we must have the knowledge about the safety measures. Moreover, a proper briefing at the begining of the session should be done to avoid any kind of confusion.
                Apart from that always wear kitchen uniform in kitchen - Avoiding to wear anything other than uniform. As the uniform is made on the basis of our comfortability. our uniform is made of cotton, the possibility of meeting an accident through the fire is less. And hence, it protect us and it also used as a dress code.

 # HIERARCHY OF A KITCHEN DEPARTMENT -   Everyone cannot become a chef. One can never stop learning in the kitchen. Many people wants to become, but only a few, who reach a certain level of proficiency ,called as a chefChef Augustus Escoffier is one of them who become a great professional chef. He introduced a system known as Brigade or hierarchy in a professional kitchen. This brigade or hierarchy has been modified according to their requirements. Now-a-days the requirements of the kitchen are different and hence, hierarchy has changed a little. This has made so that every kitchen staff  can know their sense of accountability and ownership.

# Duties and responsibilities of Executive chef - He is the head of food production department.
- He/she looks after the administration and operational job of the department.
- He/she can recruit ,promote and can dismiss the staff.
- He gives different training and motivation to their staffs.
- He plans the menu and make the budget for his dept. after discussing with F&B manager and GM.
- He is responsible for standardising the menu and also for food costing.
- He plans the different food festivals and theme.
- He attend the various meetings, behavioural and vocational training for the kitchen development.
- He is responsible for maintaining the standard of the hotel.
- He makes the duty roaster along with the sous chef.
- He is responsible for entire dept. relation.
- He reports to the General Manager.
                He carries overall responsibility for all aspects of production, for the quality of products served, for hiring and managing the kitchen staff, for controlling costs and meeting budgets, for co-ordination with other departments etc.

# Duties and responsibilities of Sous chef - In large establishment, there may be a number of sous chef according to their particular sections, especially there are separate kitchen like grill room, restaurant, banquet etc.
- He is the person who assist the exe- chef.
- He works under the exe- chef and responsible for administrational and operational job of the dept.
- He is responsible for controlling the CDPs.
- He checks the monthly reports and passes to the exe- chef.
- In the absence of Exe-chef , he performs his duty.
- In the absence of CDP , he performs his duty.
- He collects the budget from all the sections of the food production dept. and give it to Exe- chef.
- He reports to Exe-chef.

# Duties and responsibilities of Chef de Partie - He is responsible for a particular section of kitchen dept. In other way , he is the sectional incharge.
- He is responsible for smooth operation and day to day functioning of his section.
- He makes the budget of his section.
- He is the station head and have the skilled to cook every dishes.
- In the abence of Sous chef and DCDP, he performs their duty.
- He is entirely responsible for his group throughout the working period.
- He reports to the Sous chef.

# Duties and responsibilities of Demi Chef de Partie(DCDP) - He is also in a supervisory level.
- He takes the charge in the absence of CDP and perform his duty.
- He performs his duty with the commi.
- He reports to the CDP.

# Duties and responsibilities of Commis - They are the main base of the kitchen department.
- They are responsible for prepairing the food,cleanliness and smooth functioning of the dept.
- They are responsible for their particular sections and prepares the food as per the standard of the organisation.
- There are three levels in commis as commi 1,2 and 3.
- They report their duty to CDP.

# Trainee/Apprentice - These people assist the commis to run the operation smoothly.

Co-ordination of kitchen with other department - As we all know, kitchen is called as  the heart of the hotel industry. In a hotel, there are major 4 departments F&B, F.O & A.O. These departments are the major revenue producing dept. They provided about 70%-80% of revenue in different manner. Apart from this, we have minor operating and revenue producing departments also including- Store,H.R, Engineering, Sales&marketing,Finance,Gym,Spa etc.
                To run an organisation only an individual dept. could not do anything , it requires other dept. also to coordinate  well among each other. Everyone has to work as a team to do well. So the co-ordination of kitchen with rest of depts. in the hotel requires. The people outside of the hotel, who directly or indirectly influences the business called as External customers as - Suppliers, Media,Guests, Govt. officials etc., and the depts. inside the hotel who influences the business are called as Internal customers as - F.O,F&B Service,A.O,Store,H.R etc.

# Co-ordination of Food-Production Dept. to F&B Service dept. - Service department plays an important role for running the organization. It acts as a bridge between the guest and the chef, and helps to communicate the requests and opinions of food by taking feedback from guests.
* Service operates sales in various outlets. It supplies the ordered food on time.
* Service sells the food and markets the chefs speciality by bringing more and more sells and satisfying the customers.
*  It gives the order of guests to chef and placed the order on time to the guest.
* It informs about non-availability of dishes in advance to avoid any confusion.
* It informs about the possibility of the turnover of the customer in various outlets, so that the correct number of portions may be maintained at the time of arrival.
* It informs various orders through Kitchen Order Ticket(KOT) to the chef.

# Co-ordination of Food-Production Dept. to F.O - F.o  communicates the daily arrival list of guest to the kitchen,which helps the chef to forecast their production.
* It informs the chef about various functions to be organised in the hotel premises from time to time.
* It informs about the arrival and departure of the guest to the chef.
* It informs  about the total inhouse guest to the chef so that they may be ready for taking the orders for food.
* F.O personnel circulates the VIPs list in the kitchen for placing amenities or any special requests of the guest.
* It also assist the guests in making their dining choices.

# Co-ordination of Food-Production Dept. to A.O -  There are some important points related to the co-ordination between kitchen and H.K department.
* It informs to kitchen dept. about the availability of the guest in the rooms.
* It informs about the requirement of the linen, uniform,mop,dusters,soaps,detergents,                                                                          cleaning agents etc. to the kitchen staff.
* It provides the clean uniforms to the kitchen staff on daily basis.
* Kitchen also needs the coordination with H.K dept. for various cleaning activities to be           carried out in the kitchen in various section from time to time.
* It also helps in cleaning the garbage before the shift completed on daily basis.
* It also helps in dish washing through KST dept.. 
* It helps in kitchen regarding pest control and fumigation in kitchen dept.
* It also plays an important role for running the kitchen dept.

# Co-ordination of Food-Production Dept. to Maintenance - It helps to the kitchen staff to trace out any fault or defect which might lead to an accident as leaking from gas.
* It helps to fight the fire problems arising from time to time.
* It helps to make a fire route suitable for facing the fire problem.
* It helps at the time when the gas is not working, machines are not working,water problem etc. at that time kitchen staff will contact to this dept. for rectifying the problems.

# Co-ordination of Food-Production Dept. to Store - This dept. provide raw materials to the kitchen dept. at the time of requirement.
* The store dept. store the raw materials nicely so that kitchen staff can take their requirements any time.
*Chefs must give sufficient requirements for the orders to be procured and so that maintaining of par stock levels are also decided by the chef.
                                Apart from the above discussions kitchen co-operates with the other remaining depts. also in an indirect manner i.e,  through spa,gym, purchase &sales etc. However, in case of emergency the co-operation may be extended as per guest need to save the good name of the hotel.

# Co-ordination of Food-Production Dept. to Human resource - HR  dept. helps chefs to find the skilled people and facilitate recruitments by helping chefs to take interviews and trade test.
* Joining formalities of the new staff ,induction, orientation, locker facilities etc. are deal by this dept..
* Appraisals and career developing of the kitchen people is liased with the H.R dept.
* H.R Gives training to kitchen staff.

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